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accurate. For one example, search for “Toki Pona Analysis: Parts of Speech” by u/pisceyo (kala kala) on Reddit.
p. 23
The word mi is introduced as meaning I, me, we. I would like to emphasize that singularity is not the default in Toki Pona.
The word mi is introduced as meaning I, me, we. I would like to emphasize that singularity is not the default in Toki Pona.
p. 23
At this point, meli and mije have been taught. A third word, tonsi, has been created by the community of Toki Pona speakers in a grassroots project, and I support it. See the dictionary part of this book for definitions.
At this point, meli and mije have been taught. A third word, tonsi, has been created by the community of Toki Pona speakers in a grassroots project, and I support it. See the dictionary part of this book for definitions.
p. 25–27
While kute does also mean obey, other perception words like lukin can also be used for obeying, for example if the information was conveyed visually.
While kute does also mean obey, other perception words like lukin can also be used for obeying, for example if the information was conveyed visually.
p. 28
Technically, the word pu describes the relationship and interaction between a person (jan pu) and the book (lipu pu). In informal usage, a number of people use pu as a name for the book itself or the variety of Toki Pona presented in it.
Technically, the word pu describes the relationship and interaction between a person (jan pu) and the book (lipu pu). In informal usage, a number of people use pu as a name for the book itself or the variety of Toki Pona presented in it.
p. 31–33
A few people form a yes-or-no question using intonation alone, without adding anu seme or using the ala method. Although this can occur spontaneously in some situations, I