Page:Notes on the Anti-Corn Law Struggle.djvu/321

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Foreign School Books and Maps.


Volpe (Cav. G.) Eton Italian Grammar, for the use of Eton College. Including Exercises and Examples. New Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. 4s. 6d.

———Key to the Exercises. 1s.

Rossetti. Exercises for securing Idiomatic Italian by means of Literal Translations from the English, by Maria F. Rossetti. 12mo, cloth. 3s. 6d.

———Aneddoti Italiani. One Hundred Italian Anecdotes, selected from "II Compagno del Passeggio." Being also a Key to Rossetti's Exercises. 12mo, cloth. 2s. 6d.

Venosta (F.) Raccolta di Poesie tratti dai piu celebri autori antichi e moderni. Crown 8vo, cloth. 5s.



Bojesen (Mad. Marie) The Danish Speaker. Pronunciation of the Danish Language, Vocabulary, Dialogues and Idioms for the use of Students and Travellers in Denmark and Norway. 12mo, cloth. 1s.

Rask (E.) Danish Grammar for Englishmen. With Extracts in Prose and Verse. 2nd Edition. Edited by Eepp. 8vo. 5s.

Williams and Ludolph. Dutch and English Dialogues, and Elementary Phrases. 12mo. 2s. 6d.


Wall Maps.

Sydow's Wall Maps of Physical Geography for School-rooms, representing the purely physical proportions of the Globe, drawn in a bold manner. An English Edition, the Originals with English Names and Explanations. Mounted on canvas, with rollers:

1. The World. 12 Sheets. Mounted. 10s.
2. Europe. 9 Sheets. Mounted. 10s.
3. Asia. 9 Sheets. Mounted. 10s.
4. Africa. 6 Sheets. 10s.
5. America (North and South). 2 Maps, 10 Sheets. 10s.
6. Australia and Australasia. 6 Sheets. Mounted. 10s.
Handbook to the Series of Large Physical Maps for School Instruction, edited by J. Tilleard. 8vo.1s.