Page:Notes on the Anti-Corn Law Struggle.djvu/43

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Repeal of the Corn Laws.

thousand printed pages. The extracts from the speeches of Mr. Bright, with notices of his life, fill upwards of eleven hundred printed pages.

As so much has been written about Mr. Cobden and Mr. Bright I purpose to write a few words about General Perronet Thompson and the Right Hon. Charles Pelham Villiers, two men who did something towards showing what effect the Corn Laws had on the condition of all classes of men in Great Britain, and whose exertions on behalf of the poor are not assailable by such weapons as the Quarterly Reviewer has employed when he says in his review of Mr. John Morley's "Life of Cobden":—"Mr. Morley has afforded ample proof that Mr. Cobden' s misfortunes were brought about, not by his love for the poor, but by his passion for speculation."