Publisher and Bookseller, 121 Main Street, Richmond, Va.,
Munford's Virginia Reports, 6 vols., 8vo.
Randolph's Virginia Reports, 6 vols., 8vo.
Wythe's Virginia Reports, 8vo.
Jefferson's Virginia Reports, 8vo.
Hall's Digested Index to the Virginia Reports, 2 vols., 8vo.
Branch and Hening's Maxims in Law and Equity, 8vo.
Matthew's Guide to Commissioners in Chancery, 8vo.
Hening's Lawyers' Guide, vol. 2, 8vo.
Mayo's Guide to Magistrates, 8vo.
Virginia Criminal Cases, from 1789 to 1826, new and improved edition, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo.
Tucker's Lectures on Natural Law and Government, 12mo.
Tucker's Lectures on Constitutional Law, 12mo.
Upshur's Review of Story on the Constitution, 8vo.
Westover Manuscripts, 8vo.
Dew's Essay on Slavery, 8vo.
Virginia Resolutions and Debates of 1798-'9, a new and improved edition, 8to.
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Statistics of Virginia to 1850, from official documents, 8vo.
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Burke's Virginia Springs, new edition, 12mo.
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Digest of the Laws of Virginia, adapted to the New Code.
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Book of Forms, adapted to the New Code, 8vo.
Barradall's Virginia Reports, 8vo.
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