reservoir to d, the level of the highest point of the syphon, it cannot flow through the duct, and it is known that when once it begins to flow it will draw off the water of the reservoir to the orifice a, of the syphon. If the duct be larger than the supply of the reservoir, possibly the force of the waters and loosening of the earth by them, during the storm above mentioned, may have opened a more direct duct as from e to f, horizontally or declining, which issued higher up the hill than the one fed by the syphon. In that case it becomes a common spring. Should this duct be again closed or diminished by any new accident, the syphon may begin to play again, and both springs be kept in action from the same reservoir.
After these may be mentioned the Natural Well, on the lands of a Mr. Lewis in Frederick county. It is somewhat larger than a common well; the water rises in it as near the surface of the earth as in the neighboring artificial wells, and is of a depth as yet unknown. It is said there is a current in it tending sensibly downwards. If this be true, it probably feeds some fountain, of which it is the natural reservoir, distinguished from others like that of Madison's Cave, by being accessible. It is used with a bucket and windlass, as an ordinary well.
A complete catalogue of the trees, plants, fruits, &c., is probably not desired. I will sketch out those which would principally attract notice, as being—1, Medicinal; 2, Esculent; 3, Ornamental; or, 4, Useful for fabrication: adding the Linnæan to the popular names, as the latter might not convey precise information to a foreigner. I shall confine myself too to native plants:
1. Senna—Cassia ligustrina. Arsmart—Polygonum Sagittatum. Clivers, or goose grass—Galium spurium. Lobelia, of several species. Palma Christi—Ricinus. James Town weed (3)—Datura Stramonium. Mallow—Malva rotundifolia. Syrian mallow—Hibiscus moschentos, Hibiscus virginicus. Indian mallow—Sida rhombifolia, Sida abutilon. Virginia Marshmallow—Napæa hermaphrodita, Napæa dioica. Indian