Page:Notes upon Russia (volume 1, 1851).djvu/116

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nanden Ratt, Camrer, vnd president der Niederösterreichischen Camer. Den viertn Khayser erlebt, den Dreyen in Kriegen, Achte jn Ratn, Polschaftn hie vertzaichnet, vnd vilen andern auch geferlichen Raysn, vier vnd viertzig jar gedient. M. D. lviij in Maio; one sheet and a half, folio, without place of publication, but probably Vienna.

5. Sigismundus Liber Baro in Herberstain Neyperg et Guetenhag, Ducatus Carinthiæ Supremus Hæreditarius et Camerarius et Dapifer: Serenissimi D. Domini Ferdinandi Rom. Hungariæ et Bohemiæ Regis, Archiducis Austriæ: Ærarii Consilii præsidens. Excellentissimo Domino Henrico Lorito Glareano Patricio Claronensi Poetæ Laureato Amico suo S. D.

“This work,” says Adelung, “consisting of five folio leaves, is a strenuous attempt to vindicate the Baron von Rozzendorf, who was accused of treason; and is likewise a defence of himself from the charge brought by Poland against him, of giving the title of king to the Grand Duke of Russia. Although this appears to be the exclusive intention of the work, it contains in addition very many lights and disclosures respecting Herberstein’s public life, which we have not failed to make use of.”

Sigismund Baron von Herberstein was born on the 23rd of August 1486, in the castle of Wippach, granted to his father by the Emperor Frederick III, in the circle of Adelsberg, on a river of the same name in Carniola. His father was Leonhart, or Lienhart von Herberstein, a valiant warrior much in favour