Page:Notes upon Russia (volume 1, 1851).djvu/118

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how the times are changed, for now-a-days no gentleman would be satisfied without seven pairs of breeches, and no lady without nine mantles.”[1]

The ancient hereditary estate of this family was Herberstein, an Austrian territory with a castle, near Stubenberg, on the River Feistritz, in the circle of Grätz in Styria, which one Otto von Harperg purchased in the year 1290, and the name of which he adopted for himself and his descendants. This purchase, nevertheless, does not appear to have given rise to the family name of Herberstein. The most ancient lord of the race whom Sigismund could find bearing the name, was Hans von Herberstein, curate of Pölan about the year 1200. He mentions also a tradition, that at first they bore the name of Herulstein, from the Heruli, who waged war against Istria and Pannonia, under Odoacer, in 475.

Leonhart von Herberstein had nine children, viz., four sons, of whom Sigismund was the third, and five daughters. Herberstein himself bears witness to the

  1. For the amusement of the reader, we give here Herberstein’s German in all its original quaintness. “Von meinen Eltern hab ich auch vernomen, die gleichwol nur von hörn sagen geredt, das siben Ritter zu ainer zeit da zu Herberstain gewont soltn haben darunder nur ainer hosen getragen, Gleicher masse auch vernomen, das Neun Herberstainerin auss ainem Mantel verheyrat wärn. So ist mir zu meinen tagen ainer zuckumen der gesagt hat, Er wär deren ainer von den Neun die auss ainem Mantel verhayrat sein. Das setz ich auch für khain gewishait, So es aber also war alsmüglich ist, So findt man daraus, wie sich das weltlich wesen verendert nach der zeit, Jetzo wil Kainer an (ohne) siben Par hosen auch Khaine an neün Mantln zu friden oder benugig sein, So wirt vnser jtzigs weesen auch nit ewig besteen.”