Page:Notes upon Russia (volume 1, 1851).djvu/70

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et modernes. Par M. Walckenaer, Laon, 1830, 2 vols., 8vo. Tom. ii, p. 1-34.

Very valuable accounts of Polo are found also in “Joh. Reinh. Forster’s Gesch. d. Entdeck. im Norden,” p. 151-182.

A very important work respecting Marco Polo and his travels is—

Di Marco Polo e degli altri Viaggiatori Veneziani più illustri: Dissertazione del P. Ab. D. Placido Zurla; con appendice sopra le antiche mappe lavorate in Venezia, e con quattro carte geografiche. In Venezia, 1818; large 4to., 2 vols.

This work, the whole of the first volume of which is occupied with Marco Polo, contains a very detailed investigation respecting the text of his travels, as well as a thorough analysis of the countries he travelled through. This survey is divided into the following sections:—1. Geography, p. 87-206; 2. Natural History and Physical Geography, p. 207-241; 3. History, p. 242-266; 4. Religion, p. 267-303; 5. Manners and Customs, p. 304-324; 6. Arts and Sciences, p. 325-349; 7. Commerce and Navigation, p. 350-368.

Forster says, in his “Gesch. d. Entdeck.” p. 152: “It were to be wished, that a man of extended reading would compare all these translations with the Wolffenbüttel manuscript, and prepare and publish a new edition of this useful, and, for the geography of the Middle Ages, highly important book.” This wish appears to have been in great measure fulfilled by Marsden’s work.