euery prouince which is geathered, and partely payde also in tjme of peace, although it be but litle. But such as are assigned to the warres, are free from all tributes, and inioye certayne other priuilegies, wherby they maye the more gladly and cheerfully serue theyr kyng, and defende theyr contrey. For in the tyme of warre, occason is mynistred to shewe true vertue and manhood, where in so great and necessarie an institution, euery man accordyng to his ap- proued actiuitie and ingenious forwardenesse, may obtayne the fortune eyther of perpetuall honour, or ignominie.
Souldyers wages of the common treasury.
Vix olim vlla fides referentibus horrida regna Moschorum, et Ponti, res glacialis erat.
Nunc Iouio autore, ilia oculis lustramus, et vrbes, Et nemora, et montes cernimus et fluuios.
Moschouiam, monumenta Ioui, tua culta reuoluens, Cœpi alios mundos credere Democriti.