★ 140 ★
Paralipomena of Pollen
From the second issue of the Athenaeum
115. When a person can get no further, he helps himself with an authoritative word or a authoritative action,—a quick decision.
116. One who seeks, will doubt. Genius states so boldly and certainly what it sees happening within itself because it not biased by its own representation and the representation does not bias it either, especially when the one contemplating and that which is being contemplated are freely attuned to one another, seeming to freely unite in one work.
When we speak of the outside world, when we truly describe objects, are proceeding like the genius.
Without ingeniousness we do not exist at all. Genius is necessary for everything. what one ordinarily calls genius, is but the genius of genius.
117. Spirit leads to eternal self-confidence.
118. The transcendental point of view for this life awaits us. Then will we first understand it truly.
119. The life of a truly canonical person must be continuously symbolic. If this were not so, every death would not be a death of atonement. More or less, this is understood; and doesn't this allow more remarkable conclusions to be drawn forth?
120. I can only show I have understood a writer, when I can act in his spirit;