★ 148 ★
in both. The stronger the heart, the more vigorously and freely it pushes the blood to the outer parts. Every limb is warm and vibrant, and the blood flows swiftly and strongly back to the heart.
5. A collapsing throne is like a falling mountain that shatters the plain and leaves behind a dead sea where otherwise there was a fertile land and spacious dwellings.
6. Just make the mountains the same, the sea will know to thank you. The sea is the element of freedom and equality. Nevertheless it warns against treading upon the bed of fool's gold. The volcano is alway there and with it the seeds of a new continent.
7. The noxious fumes of the moral world behave differently than their analogues in nature. The latter like to rise to the heights, the former remain stuck to the ground. For those who live in the heights, there is no better remedy than flowers and sunshine. Both have have only rarely happened to meet together upon the heights. Upon one of the tallest moral heights, can one only now enjoy the purest air and see a lily in the sun.
8. It was no wonder that the mountain tops thundered down onto the valleys so often and devastated the meadows. Most of the time, sinister clouds drew around them and hid from them their origins in the land; then, it seemed to them that the plain was just a dark abyss, or an outraged sea, over which the clouds appeared to pass, though nothing was actually enraged against them and they were gradually worn down and washed away by the apparently faithful clouds.
9. A true royal couple is to the entire people what a constitution is to the mere understanding. One can