Case 4:22-cv-00324-MW-MAF Document 44 Filed 11/17/22 Page 111 of 139
7. A person, by virtue of his or her race, color, sex, or national origin, bears personal responsibility for and must feel guilt, anguish, or other forms of psychological distress because of actions, in which the person played no part, committed in the past by other members of the same race, color, national origin, or sex.
8. Such virtues as merit, excellence, hard work, fairness, neutrality, objectivity, and racial colorblindness are racist or sexist, or were created by members of a particular race, color, national origin, or sex to oppress members of another race, color, national origin, or sex.
§ 1000.05(4)(a)1.–8., Fla. Stat. (2022). This provision also contains a savings clause, stating that the foregoing “may not be construed to prohibit discussion of the concepts listed therein as part of a larger course of training or instruction, provided such training or instruction is given in an objective manner without endorsement of the concepts.” § 1000.05(4)(b), Fla. Stat. (2022).
In addition, the Board of Governors issued an implementing regulation on August 26, 2022, which finalized the Board of Governors’s enforcement mechanism with respect to section 1000.05(4)(a), Florida Statutes (2022). See ECF No. 1-2, in Case No.: 4:22cv324-MW/MAF (Regulation 10.005 Prohibition of Discrimination in University Training or Instruction); see also Regulation 10.005, available at (last visited Oct. 25, 2022). The regulation identifies the eight concepts of section 1000.05(4)(a), Florida Statutes (2022), and requires “[e]ach university” to “have a university regulation that prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex by