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c. 18


Nuclear Material (Offences) Act 1983

1983 CHAPTER 18

An Act to implement the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material; and for purposes connected therewith.[9th May 1983]

Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—

Extended scope of certain offences. 1.—(1) If a person, whatever his nationality, does outside the United Kingdom, in relation to or by means of nuclear material, any act which, had he done it in any part of the United Kingdom, would have made him guilty of—

(a) the offence of murder, manslaughter, culpable homicide, assault to injury, malicious mischief or causing injury, or endangering the life of the lieges, by reckless conduct, or
(b) an offence under section 18 or 20 of the 1861 c. 100.
1971 c. 48.
S.I. 1977/426.
1980 c. 62.
Offences against the Person Act 1861 or section 1 of the Criminal Damage Act 1971 or Article 3 of the Criminal Damage (Northern Ireland) Order 1977 or section 78 of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1980, or
(c) the offence of theft, embezzlement, robbery, assault with intent to rob, burglary or aggravated burglary, or
(d) the offence of fraud or extortion or an offence under section 15 or 21 of the 1968 c. 60.
1969 c. 16 (N.I.).
Theft Act 1968 or section 15 or 20 of the Theft Act (Northern Ireland) 1969,