Page:Nuclear Safety in China (2019).pdf/9

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Development Stage Plans for National Development Goals for Nuclear Energy Development Nuclear Power Projects Launched Nuclear Safety Strategic Goals
The 13th Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development (2016-2020)
  • Building independent nuclear power pilot projects and programs along the coastal nuclear power belt
  • Accelerating the development of new-generation nuclear power equipment, small nuclear power systems, and civil nuclear analysis and imaging technologies
  • Starting a group of nuclear power projects along the coastal regions and accelerating the construction of Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant in phase III while advancing the preparation for inland nuclear power projects and the feasibility study for building large-scale commercial reprocessing plants. The future generating units are expected to have a total installed capacity of 58 GW, and those under construction have a total installed capacity of 30 GW.
  • Improving the safety of nuclear facilities and prevention and control of radioactive contamination, and strengthening the regulatory system and capacity for nuclear and radiation safety