Page:Nullification Controversy in South Carolina.djvu/409

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Nullification Controversy in South Carolina

33; on the tariff, 52; advocate of nullification, 63, 173; party ball for, 123; disunion leader, 23; authonly of, questioned, 128; State Rights leader, 133, 225, 270, 272; legislature in extra session, called by, 1832, 208; convention, recalled by, 287, 289; on test oath, 338.

Hammond, James H., editor of Columbia Southern Times: fight of, with Daniels, 132; speech of, on July 4, 1829, 37 n.; on disunion, 55; mediation by Virginia, opposed by, 274; military organizer, 249, 269, 276, 277, 279.

"Hampden" (Francis W. Pickens), articles on nullification by, 53.

Hanlon, James O., Umon supporter, 246.

Harper, Chancellor William: speech at Columbia, 1828, 17; state convention, advocated by, 93-96; in legislature of 1828, 35; messenger to Congress, 162; memorial of, on tariff, 164; nullification ordinance, author of, 214; State Rights leader, 311; on test oath, 335, 340.

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, tariff meeting of manufacturers in, 5.

Hartford Convention, 74, 129.

Hayne, Robert Y.: debate of, with Webster, 49, 64, 65; on internal improvements, 52 n.; congressman, 170 n.; public dinner for, 62; authority of questioned, 128; State Rights leader, 133, 270, 309, 311, 302; convention report, written by, 213; counter-proclamation of, as governor, 243, 244, 248; commander-in-chief of State Rights forces, 240-54, 279; convention, presided over by, in March, 1833, 289-93; on test oath, 337, 338, 345.

Hayne, William E., assistant adjutant inspector-general, 268.

Henry, Professor, on the union, 17, 18.

Hill, W. R., a convention, supported by, 104 n.

Hive, The Edgefield, boycotted by Disunionists, 26.

Holmes. I. E., 123.

Holy Alliance, 121 n.

"Homespun," manufacturing, recommended by, 21.

Horry district: a Union center, 282; test oath opposed by, 327.

House of Representatives of South Carolina Assembly. See Legislature of South Carolina and maps in the text.

Huger, Alfred, a convention advocated by 104 n.

Huger, Judge Daniel E., 203; Union leader, 134, 159, 295; consumption of northern products opposed by, 2; a convention opposed by, 104 n.; amendment to test oath offered by, 321.

Hunt. Colonel B. F., and test oath, 334.

Intelligencer, The Winyaw, against too advanced position in 1828, 20.

Interior, the. See Up-country districts.

Internal improvements, 164; resolutions against, in 1825, 1;