with the recognition of God, His anger may be stayed, and that through fidelity to His moral law, this restless, confused world may have a cessation from pain, strife, and international wars.
We weave all our hopes into the mantle of Mary, as it was so beautifully expressed by G. K. Chesterton in his inspiring poem,
"I have seen, where a strange country
Opened its secret plains about me
One great golden dome stands lonely with its golden image, one
Seen afar, in strange fulfillment,
Through the sunlit Indian summer
That Apocalyptic portent that has clothed her with the sun . . .
"Queen of Death and Life Undying
Those about to live salute thee
Not the crawlers with the cattle; looking deathward with the swine,
But the shout upon the mountains
Of the men that live forever
Who are free of all things living but a Child; and He was thine."
Mary is our hope, all through the years.