Page:O'Higgins--The Adventures of Detective Barney.djvu/58

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His eyelids constricted sharply. He wrote: “Murdock will come through.” Turning back in the dictionary to the word “command,” he found “come” standing directly beside it in the parallel column of print on the page. He looked at Barney and nodded. “Got it!” he said, grimly. “Go and bring Corcoran.”

Barney, almost running—but on his tiptoes—with the secrecy and the excitement, saw himself vindicated to the surprised Corcoran. He saw himself the hero of the occasion. He had solved the mystery! He had discovered the cipher! He signaled imperiously to Corcoran in the hall. The operative came scowling.

When they returned to the room, Babbing said: “Sit down there, boy, and keep quiet. You scuttle like a rat. . . . Jim, I 've got his method. I want you to send off some messages while I ’m translating these. Wire our Chicago office: ‘Case 11A393. Case completed. Immediately arrest Number Two on information in your files.’ Wire Indianapolis