Page:O bonny lassie.pdf/5

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And ony sumph that keeps up spite,
In conscience I abhor him.
Blythe and merry we's be a',
Blythe and merry, blythe and merry;
B!ythe and merry we's be a',
And mak a cheerfu' quorum.
Blythe and marry we's be a',
At lang as we hae breath to draw;
And dance till we be like to fa'.
The reel o’ Tullochgorum.

There needs na be sae great a phrase,
Wi' dringling dull Italian lays;
I wadna gie our ain strathipeys,
For half a hundred score o’ em.
They’re doaf aod dowie at the best,
Douff and dowie douff and dowie,
They're douff and dowie at the best,
Wi' a' their variorum.
They're douff and dowie at the best,
Their allegros and a' the rest,
They canna please a Highland tasie
Compar'd wi' Tullochgorum.

Let wardly minds themselves oppress,

Wi' fear o' want and double cess