Page:O que eu vi, o que nós veremos (1918).pdf/7

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What We Will See

of armies, but it never came to our minds that they could play destructive roles in combat. I knew enough of all those dreamers, hundreds of whom gave their lives for our idea, to be able to affirm now that it never crossed our minds that, in the future, our successors could be "sent" to attack defenseless cities, full of children, women and old people and, what's more, to attack Hospitals where the abnegation and humanitarianism of the rivals gathered, under the same roof and with the same affection, the wounded and the dying of both camps. Well, this has been repeated for four long years: and who "orders it to be done"? - The Kaiser!

Let us hope, then, for the victory of the allies; may the ideas of President Wilson triumph, and may Prussian militarism be extinguished on earth. Just as with present-day Poland society has suppressed the armed citizens, the desired Army of Nations will suppress the killings of war.

Confident in this future, I was comforted by the message from the President of the Aeronautical Club of America, in which I heard, again, of aeronautics for peaceful purposes, realization of my innermost ambitions, dream of those inventors who only saw

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