Page:O que eu vi, o que nós veremos (1918).pdf/95

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What We Will See

to my atelier just to verify an invention that I have never tried to benefit from.

I think that from all points of view it is preferable to bring teachers from Europe or the United States, rather than sending students there.

I'm sure that the Brazilian boys who would go abroad to learn the art of aviation would become splendid and courageous aviators. However, let's not forget that not every aviator is a good teacher. To teach an art is not enough to know the technique, but it is also necessary to know how to teach it.

It's possible that, among 4 or 6 boys who will study in Europe, one will find a good teacher; this, however, is only a probability. More correct and safer, therefore, would be to choose, right away, some good teachers, among the many that there are in Europe and the United States, and hire them to teach aviation here, in our territory.

The airplanes must be ordered from the best European or American manufacturers,

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