may be served cold. Eat only light soups and vegetables. Even in this great care will need to be exercised, for cholera, I may tell you, is about. Walk eight hours out of every twenty-four; go in for shooting."
"Good Lord!" groaned Oblomov.
"Finally," concluded the doctor, "go to Paris for the winter, where, surrounded by a whirlpool of gaiety, you will best be able to distract your mind from your habitual brooding. Cultivate theatres, balls, masquerades, the streets, society, friends, noise, and laughter."
"Anything else? " inquired Oblomov, with ill-concealed impatience. The doctor reflected a moment.
"Yes; also get the benefit of sea air," he said. "Cross over to England, or else go for a voyage to America."
With that he rose to take his leave. "Should you carry out these instructions to the letter
" he began."Yes, yes. Of course I shall carry them out!" said Oblomov bitterly as he accompanied the physician to the door.
The doctor having departed, Oblomov threw himself back into an arm-chair, clasped his hands behind his head, and remained sitting in an almost unthinking