Page:Observations on Certain Documents Contained in No. V & VI of "The History of the United States for the Year 1796," In which the Charge of Speculation Against Alexander Hamilton, Late Secretary of the Treasury, is Fully Refuted.pdf/121

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knowledge or agency, for I never saw them since the affair took place, nor was I ever furnished with a copy) I do not hesitate to declare that I regretted the trouble and uneasiness this business had occasioned, and that I was perfectly satisfied with the explanation you gave. At the same time permit me to remind you of your declaration also made in the presence of Mr. Wolcott that the information and letters in our possession justified the suspicions we entertained before your explanation took place, and that our conduct towards you in this business was satisfactory. Having no share or agency whatsoever in the publication or comments you are pleased to cite I must beg to be excused from making any remarks thereon. Were I to undertake to contradict the many absurdities and falsehoods which I see published on a variety of subjects which heretofore came under my notice, it would require more time than I am willing to sacrifice.

I have the honor to be Sir, Your obedt. humble servt.

Fredk. A. Muhlenberg.

A. Hamilton, Esq.