The uniformity, continuity, softness, and active powers of the medullary substance 10
The manner in which vibrations are communicated to the whole medullary substance 13
Presumptions in favour of the doctrine of vibrations 16
Corollaries from this doctrine 20
Materiality of the soul no consequence of it 21
Phenomena of sensible pleasure and pain agreeable to the doctrine of vibrations 22
Phenomena of sleep agreeable to the doctrines of vibrations 28
Sect. II.
Ideas, their Generation and Associations, and the Agreement of the Doctrine of Vibrations with the Phenomena of Ideas.
The generation of the ideas of sensation 36
The repetition of sensory vibrations generates a disposition to corresponding vibratiuncles or miniature vibrations 37
The power of raising ideas by association in the simplest case 41
The power of raising miniature vibrations by association in the simplest case 43
The formation of complex ideas by association 46
The formation of complex miniature vibrations by association 50
The complex vibrations last-mentioned may be so exalted, in some cases, as to be no longer miniatures, but equal in strength to sensory vibrations 51
Sect. III.
Muscular Motion, and its two Kinds, automatic and voluntary; and the Use of the Doctrines of Vibrations and Association, for explaining these respectively.
It is probable, that muscular motion is performed by the same general means as sensation, and the perception of ideas 54
Phaenomena of muscular contraction agreeable to the doctrine of vibrations 56
Propensity of the muscles to alternate contraction and relaxation agreeable to the doctrine of vibrations 57
The origin of motory vibrations 58