Page:Occult Japan - Lovell.djvu/108

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heaven by simple incantation. The spark thus obtained may be used to light anything, the prehistoric two sticks preferably for purposes of warmth. At the time I was shown this miracle, I was not in need of caloric,—it was seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit in the shade,—so I was permitted to witness its working upon the comparatively vile body of my own freshly filled, unlighted pipe.

This is a very difficult miracle. Indeed, even when it succeeds it is scarcely an economical method of firing one's tobacco daydreams, so much time and trouble does it cost. But to epicureans who hunt new sensations and to whom the one meaning of the word "dear" is synonymous with the other, it may safely be recommended. For it is not likely as yet, if I may argue from my own experience, to be generally taken up.

To insure success in the city, the day should be sunshiny. Among the mountains even a cloudy day will do, so I am informed. I cannot speak confidently on this latter point, because my own investigations were confined to the ridge-pole of my house in town, and to the turf immediately below it.