Page:Occult Japan - Lovell.djvu/230

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are sent out to meet it. On either side the horses' necks are stuck long bamboo fronds, from which hang scarfs of gayly colored crape. Each horse carries a rich riding saddle, to which are fastened two paniers, one on either hand; each steed thus seating three persons apiece, one astride in the middle, and two asquat in the baskets on the sides. With the steeds are sent personal adornments for the pilgrims; hats made of flowers (hanagasa) and gayly embroidered coats, beside cakes and coppers for scattering to the crowd. Thus accoutred, rollicking along and strewing the largess as they pass, the pious pilgrims make their entry home. That evening a banquet is given them by their relatives and friends, regardless of expense, like to some coming of age in the gay middle ages. Saké and merriment flow without stint, and not till the next day do the pilgrims sink back again into private life; holier folk, however, ever after.