Mrs. Pamela TAN
Commissioner for Labour
8 November 2000
Explanatory Note
The purpose of this Regulation is to protect the occupational safety and health of employees who normally use workstations (which include display screen equipment such as computer monitors) in their work.
2. Section 1 provides for the commencement of the Regulation.
3. Section 2 defines certain expressions used in the Regulation.
4. Section 3 describes the scope of application of the Regulation.
5. Section 4 contains provisions outlining the risk assessment which has to be performed by the person responsible for a workplace.
6. Section 5 imposes a duty on the person responsible for a workplace to take steps to reduce any risk identified by him.
7. Section 6 imposes a duty on the person responsible for a workplace to inform users of the findings of the risk assessment and the actions he has taken after the assessment.
8. Section 7 requires the person responsible for a workplace to ensure that the workstations are suitable having regard to the safety, health and welfare of users.
9. Section 8 requires an employer to ensure that a user has been provided with adequate safety and health training.
10. Section 9 imposes a duty on a user to avoid risks by conforming to a system of work and work practices provided or established by the person responsible for a workplace.
11. Section 10 creates offences for failure to comply with the provisions of the Regulation and sets out the penalties to be imposed on offenders.