Page:Oedipus, King of Thebes (Murray 1911).djvu/32

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vv. 274–289

Whose will is one with mine, may Justice stand
Your helper, and all gods for evermore.

[The crowd disperses.


O King, even while thy curse yet hovers o’er
My head, I answer thee. I slew him not,
Nor can I shew the slayer. But, God wot,
If Phoebus sends this charge, let Phoebus read
Its meaning and reveal who did the deed.


Aye, that were just, if of his grace he would
Reveal it. How shall man compel his God?


Second to that, methinks, ’twould help us most . . .


Though it be third, speak! Nothing should be lost.


To our High Seer on earth vision is given
Most like to that High Phoebus hath in heaven.
Ask of Tiresias: he could tell thee true.


That also have I thought for. Aye, and two
Heralds have sent ere now. ’Twas Creon set
Me on.—I marvel that he comes not yet.