The Table
E. | ||
England is not without Scottish dogges. | 2 | |
Election in a gase hound. | 8 | |
England and VVales are cleare from wolues. | 24 | |
Edgar what tyme King of England. | ibidem | |
Epirus a countrey in Græcia. | 28 | |
F. | ||
Foxe hunted by the gasehound. | 8 | |
Flight preuenteth peryl. | 9 | |
Froisart historiographer. | 10 | |
Flint Castle. | ibide. | |
French dogges how their skins be speckled. | 15 | |
Fisher dogge none in Englande. | 18 | |
Fisher dogge, doubtfull if there be any such. | ibidem | |
Faulcon and an Eagle fight. | 26 | |
Faulcon killed for fighting with an Eagle. | ibid. | |
Fire betraied by a dogge. | 30 | |
Fire raked vp by a dogge. | 31 | |
Farmers keepe dogges. | ibid. | |
Fearful dogges barcke sorest. | 32 | |
Foxes kept for sundrye causes. | 30 | |
Foxes holsome in houses. | ibid. | |
G. | ||
Gesner desirous of knowledge. | 1 | |
Gesner eanest in experimentes. | ibi. | |
Gasehound whence he hath his name. | 9 | |
Gasehoundes vsed in the North. | ibidem | |
Gasehound sometimes loseth his ways. | ibidem | |
Grehound light footed. | ibid. | |
Grehounds special seruice. | ibi. | |
Greyhoundes strong and swifte. | ibidem | |
Grehounds game. | 10 | |
Grehounds spare of body. | ibi. | |
Grehounds nature wonderfull. | ibid. | |
Grehounds of King Richarde. | ibid. | |
Gentle dogge. | 14 | |
Gratius Poet his opinion. | 37 | |
Getulian dogge. | 38 | |
H. | ||
Hunting wherein it consisteth. | 2 | |
Hunting and fowleing doo differ. | 3 | |
Hunting dogges, fiue speciall kinds. | ibid. | |
Harryer excelleth in smelling. | ibidem | |
Harryer how he is known. | ibi. | |
Hare hunted by the gasehound. | 8 | |
Henry Duke of Lancaster. | 10 | |
Hole of the Conny their hauen of health. | 11 |