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The Table

reape by their dogges. 24
Sheepherdes in what countryes they go before their sheepe. ibidem
Sheepe howe they flocke at the sheepherds whistle. ibid.
Sheepherds Dogge choose and take. ibid.
Salacones vaineglorious. 27
Terrars hunt the badger and the Foxe. 4
Terrars hunt as ferryts hunt,. ibi.
Terrars conditions. ibid
Terrars holde fast with theyr teeth. 5
Tumblers crafty and fraudulent. 11
Tumblers why so named, ibid. their trade in hūting, ibi, their dissembling of friendship, ibi, they hunt against the wind 12
Theeuish dogges. ibidem
Theeuish Dogge, a night curre, ibidem
Theeues feare no law, 27. Some steale for neede, ibid. Some to maintaine brauery. ibi.
Tynckers curres beare burthens, 29, their conditions, ibi, they loue their masters. ibid.
Two suiters to one woman, 30
Turnespet painefull in the kytchen. 24
Thales with the brasen feete. 37
Vertue of the comforter. 21
Valentines law for vagabundes. 37
Virgils vearse. 31
VVatchwordes make Dogges perfect in game 8
VVonder of a Hare or Leuerit, 16
VVater spaniell called the finder, ibidem
VVater spaniels what properties. ibidem
VVater spaniels their proportion, 17, howe they be described by D. Caius. ibidem
VVhy so called. ibidem
VVhere their game lyeth and what it is. ibidem
VVhy they are called finders, ibidem
VVanton women wanton puppies. 20
VVolues bloudsucking beastes, 23, none England nor wales, ibidem, three hundred payde yearely to Prince Edgar. ibid.
VVarner what seruice he doth. 34
VVappes vnprofitable dogges. ibidem