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DETECTION IMPOSSIBLE. Th«B« H&Koifiaent Spnniali CrTital Bingi t/f Mt in gwld, wamuited, HkU mafkad, and made }>j most ezperienoed workmen; deteotion impoBidblB, uid WE DEFY THE BEST JUDGES TO TELL THEM BT SIGHT FROM DIAMONDS, the stones being real crystals, and splendidly faceted, the brilliancy and lustre being most extraordinary, and EQUAL TO A RING WORTH 20gs. Price 31b., post free. Ladies' 0am ^inga, nitb Five Stones, 21b. j alco in Emerali^, BubiBS, and S»ppiiire«, Ladiea' Gipsy Bingi, Tliree Stane«, 2]«. G«ntlemen'B Ditto, 2Sb. Siof^ Stone EtaringB, 10b. pair. Soatf Pin, in moroooo oaie, 7e. ARTHUR FAULKNER, 174, HIGH STREET, NOTTING HILL, LONDON. . N^.—Nomi rtiunteA tf not atvnieai of. NEW LINCOLNSHIRE FEATHER BEDS "LINCOLN SHI re" DOWN" QUILTS, AT HALF RETAIL PEICES. Sand poiiC4BFd for Piiofl tJib fne to tha LtandoD ^grm of UiA tdnoolnthlfe Boddlof Oompuiy. T. 8UITH, m, Wins OffioiKxiDrt, Fleet-nreaC. E.O., whan (neolauin Bed ilid QnUt mig ba wen. HnnarBili of Taitlnionlili. ^ DEAFNESS— Immediate Relief and ultimate Curel T&e X«T, a. J. BZ^VaXTOV In MDdlni (mt the b7 port tboiuuli ol bli"Keii1thAdToc*U."wlilohDant>iDiiin«t quDtlCT o' infciniiittion oODoeminfr th« Lkwt of Hokltb Bfotj peiviii inffgrliiff rnuu UMbitu, MoiHs, and <dI«iutTs Inioluiraa in the Em. ihonld » onca tend to Hi. S. n ,g oncht to dwpeii 1 thootiuidi ua ncalrini banaflt. HnQaien from iDdliegtloii. -"— ""' -u. Btek He«d»ohe, Wind, Ctngoar, Qanarid WotitaaMTBreSK vit. iw-i. J .. ..,_ —J .11 D(ii>n not In haklth, t Hook, Puk-ttiaaE, ... . .- . bT post. ta. M. THE BOOK of DINNER SERVIETTES (Fourth Edition), wMoti eontalna a new IntcodscCion on the Deoontlon at Dinper Ttblat, uid aenanJ Dirmtlaiia for Mdlss tlw Benlettei, ot wUoh cbere ■» TwantT^seSnanot kind* ^nm, vltli Hina^Jtwo Voodoace UluUstlie ot tbg nrloni folds nqnltad, uid the QUBBH A-r.TWAWAn Mid "Ziftdy'a Calendar toe 1880. g£ltioonte&tavlUbefoimdftOHBOIlO.LITH0 PLATB OF ABT KEEDLB- ^. udDoiBBinB mmtnthmi In t£» LHUm' Wark-UUs Di iTWig^jiPir^-"--'--' " -■ fee., ud beilgiu foi OUldran'i Oonunca and Pi HooMwUa'a SeiwrtnMnC will b* found ■rttolaa on lUouonl, uid Biwtnl Bedpaii to., Ao. LONDOTI ■ " THE QDEEN " OFFICE, 8«, SUtiHD, W.O.