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Page:Of the Gout - Stukeley - 1734.djvu/34

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the Stoic affectation and laugh at it: notwithstanding my foot swell'd as much as usual, and appear'd as fiery and inflam'd. 3 or 4 days set me in that state of recovery, which scarce less than 3 or 4 months would otherwise have done. In a week's time I was perfectly well. On the 9th day I buckled on my ordinary Shoo, and in a day or two more I walk'd abroad and have continued well ever since. The swelling was perfectly gone in 10 days time, and since that, my feet have been stronger than ever for 5 years last past, and the like is observed by others that have used these oyls. It did not attempt to seize on the other foot, as always was the case before. I observed too, that the skin of the foot never came off as usual, after solution of the fitt. 'Tis not easy to imagine the pleasure I felt, in thus escaping with the thousandth part of the pain which commonly attends us, in this unhappy situation: when I have enjoy'd a most perfect health and free use of exercise for the 6 months last past, which would otherwise have been consum'd in the most irksome confinement.

During my studys in physick I was sensibly mov'd to bend my enquirys more particularly and assiduously toward this formidable Goliath of our Art: Because I had an hereditary title to it, I read all
