Page:Off For Hawaii.djvu/40

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and some the Hawaiian Islands. Which is right?"

"That is easily explained, Mark. When James Cook discovered the islands, more than a century ago, he named them in honor of his patron, the Earl of Sandwich. But the real native name is Hawaii nei pae aina, which means, These Hawaiian Islands. I presume Englishmen will call them after the Earl of Sandwich for a long time to come, but Hawaiian Islands is the proper name."

We remained on deck until the last trace of shore had faded from view, and then went below, to put our staterooms into proper order. Dan and Oliver were soon done, and returned to the deck, leaving Dr. Barton and me taking our time and conversing about the country we were about to visit.

"To a person who had never been out of the United States there would be many curious sights in the Hawaiian Islands," said the doctor. "But to you who have been in Cuba, and to your friends who have been in China and the Philippines, it will be different."

"Oh, I dare say I'll see many strange sights even so," I answered. "Each nation has a good many customs of its own. I understand the Kanakas are quite different from the other people who inhabit the islands of the Pacific."