Page:Ohio State Exhibit - A Century of Progress International Exposition brochure.djvu/3

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"Back of all progress in human affairs must lie someone's dream—a constant and determined vision for the days and years ahead.

"Without undue heroics as to her pioneers, Ohio takes pleasure in honoring the men and women who, through frugalities, hardships and frequent suffering, led early America onward.

"May we of today face our problems of the future with an equal fortitude."

This, from the descriptive copy with the first mural in Ohio's Exhibit well conveys the spirit of her people.

Ohio realizes that there are many other nations, states and territories, each of which has its peculiar advantages and desirabilities. The effort in building this Exhibit has been, not that of promotion so much as being a good host to all her fellow peoples of the world; to provide comfort and beauty and surcease from care; to extend the same sort of greeting you would give an honored guest in your home.

Though such contacts we believe lies the royal road to friendship and to progress.

The Ohio Commission.