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Old Westland

were going to a goldfield, but that according to letters I had received, I thought there was gold in the country, which I still believed, and that a proper trial would prove it. The next question was put to me by a Cockney—I am sure he was, for he murdered the letter ‘h’: “Well, Mr. Waite,’ he asked, ‘’ow wud yer like to come ’ere without money an ’ave to starve as we ’ave to do?’ My answer to him was I had not asked him to come; he had pleased himself. The Dutchman then said: ‘Vel, poys, ve vill take vot ve vants from Vait’s store—an’ ve vill hang him.’ Just at that moment an Irishman whispered in my ear: ‘Cheer up, my boy, don’t be frightened, you have more friends than enemies in this crowd.’ With that I felt safe, but I was still annoyed by the discontented, and most of them brought back what provisions they had, with their picks and shovels, tin dishes, etc., and I gave them full value for them.

“The men who came down with me, and were engaged in this business, were now only waiting for a steamer to take them away, but while they were so doing, two parties with more patience than the rest, had penetrated a little further up the country, and had found a track which led them to the Greenstone Creek diggings, having by chance, during their search, discovered the fresh prints of men’s feet which they followed until they came to the desired spot. Here they commenced