Page:Old Westland (1939).pdf/98

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Old Westland

practicable roadline via the Upper Buller and Maruia to the Grey at the point where Mackay’s exploration had terminated the previous year. Sir Julius von Haast, who had been engaged soon after his arrival in New Zealand to report on the geology of the south-western part of the Province of Nelson, accompanied the explorers during a portion of their expedition. He remained in the vicinity of the Tiraumea, awaiting a fresh supply of provisions, whilst the explorers were engaged in cutting a track for his guidance up the Maruia Valley, through the bush and on to the grass plains. At this time the party were almost destitute of provisions, and the supplies of birds and fern root were very scanty—so scanty, indeed, that it was considered wise for Alexander Mackay and Frank Flowers to return to Nelson, leaving James Mackay and the natives to carry on alone.

They made little headway, however, owing to the lack of food and to the fact that the Maoris became disheartened and refused to proceed further. They said, “We are in an unknown country, which is inhabited by wild men and great lizards, which will presently appear . . . . we will return to Nelson, or lie down and quietly die in the camp” . . . . they were indeed starving and exhausted. Mackay’s determination, however,