CHAPTER LI. Lot and Mine Jumping Tragic Occurrences Two Men Jibbeted Mines Fortified .... 229 CHAPTER LII. Riot of Corruption in Public Office Frightful Crimes and Accidents 236 CHAPTER LIII. Visited by Gen'l Grant, President Harrison, Vanderbilt and the Goulds 239 CHAPTER LIV. Era of Legitimate Acting Theatre in a Tent Strong Stock Combinations ...... 246 CHAPTER LV. A Gigantic Conspiracy to Depress Stocks Eight Thou- sand Miners Strike ...... 248 CHAPTER LVI. Numerous Incidents of Thrilling and Tragic Interest in Banking History ...... 262 CHAPTER LVII. A Stormy Political Battle as an Aftermath of the City National Bank Row 283 CHAPTER LVIII. The State Treasury Ring Beaten to a Frazzle and Driven from Power 289 CHAPTER LIX. Excessive Wickedness Redeemed by Unexampled Char- ity The Fighting Parson 294 CHAPTER LX. Summit to the Sea Efforts Far Afield How a Deep Water Port Was Secured 305 CHAPTER LXI. Strange Facts, at Once Thrilling, Pathetic, Grotesque and Humorous 310 CHAPTER LXII. With the Collapse of Silver Leadville Again Turns to its Gold Deposits 332 CHAPTER LXIII. Crystal Carnival and Ice Palace A Most Gorgeous Architectural Spectacle 337
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