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1 THE PUBLICATIONS OF JOHN LANE II LANE'S LIBRARY. Each volume cr. 8vo. 3s. 6d. net. I. MARCH HARES. BY GEORGE FORTH. II. THE SENTIMENTAL SEX. By GERTRUDE War- DEN. III. GOLD. By ANNIE Linden. (The following are in preparation). IV. BROKEN AWAY. BY BEATRICE GRIMSHAW. v. A MAN FROM THE NORTH. By E. A. BENNETT, VI. THE DUKE OF LINDEN. By JOSEPH F. CHARLES LEATHER (R. K.). VERSES. 250 copies, fcap. 8vo. 3s. net. Transferred by the Author to the present Publisher. LEFROY (EDWARD CRACROFT). POEMS. With a Memoir by WILFRED A. GILL, and a re- print of J. A. SYMONDS' Critical Essay on "Echoes from Theocritus." Cr. 8vo. Photogravure Portrait. 5s. net. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). Prose Fancies, with a portrait of the Author by WILSON STEER. Cr. 8vo., purple cloth. 5s. net. [Fourth Edition. Also a limited large paper edition. 12s. 6d. net. THE BOOK BILLS OF NARCISSUS. An account rendered With a new chapter cloth. 3s. 6d. net. [Third Edition. by RICHARD LE GALLIENNE. and a frontispiece, cr. 8vo., purple Also 50 copies on large paper. 8vo. 10s. 6d. net. ENGLISH POEMS. Revised. Cr. 8vo., purple cloth. 4s. 6d. net. Fourth Edition. George MereDITH: Some Characteristics; with a Biblio- graphy (much enlarged) by JOHN LANE, portrait, &c. Cr. 8vo., purple cloth. 5s. 6d. net. [Fourth Edition. THE RELIGION OF A LITERARY MAN. cloth. 35. 6d. net. Cr. 8vo., purple [Fifth Edition. Also a special rubricated edition on hand-made paper. 8vo. IOS. 6d. net. 1