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Page:Oliver Mathews – Towne of Sallop (1877).djvu/25

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A Coppie of Oliver Mathewes Letter, sent to his 2. lovinge frends of the Cittie of Bristowe.


R. Phillip Jenkins my naturall Countreyman, and Mr. Thomas Taylor my loving and faithfull frind. I hartelie thancke you bothe for your kinde letters, and for your remembraunce of the most worthie and victorious kinges of famous memorie, Belinus and Brenus, bretheren twinnes and sonnes of Mulmutius Donwallo, whom we true Brittaines doe call Dyffnwall Moell Mydd, and of Cornwenna theire moth . . . . . . . Mulmutius was first Duke of Cornewall, and by his wisdome, prowes and . . . . . . brought this Iland of Greate Brittaine into one Monarchie 440. Yeres before the Incarnation of Christe, and after the arivall of Brute 616. yeres. And whereas this noble Iland, after the Deathe of Ferrex and Porrex, being the last of Brutus line, was, throughe Civill Warres, wasted, and spoiled, and devided into 5. kingdomes, he, the said Mulmutius, quieted his Subjects, and ordained for them profittable and holesome lawes, and gave priviledges to temples and ploughes. And whereas the waies and passages of this Realme were with warres growen out of use, and unknowen to travellers, he ordeyned the four notable highe waies throughe the whole Ile, causinge pavements and causways to be made in all deepe and marishe places, and bridges to be builded over the Waters and Ryvers, and provided, that martiall Lawe should be dulie executed upon all suche, as should robbe, kill, or hurte anie Traveller upon those waies, by puttinge them to death in the same places, where the yfils were committed. Theis 4. waies are called by the Bruttaines Ped . . . . pry for the ye Brenyn, and are knowen by theis names in
