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Page:Oliver Mathews – Towne of Sallop (1877).djvu/27

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the Saxons language, Kennynge streete, Watlinge streete, Rennynge streete, and Fosse streete. This kinge builded Templum pacis in London, which some thincke to be Saint-Paule’s Churche, and some thincke yt to be Blackwell Hall. And so he havinge brought this land into greate quietnes, after hee had reigned verie honorablie 40. yeres, he dyed, and was buried in the temple of peace at Newe Troye, now called London. After his Death his twoe twinnes, Belinus and [1]Bremnius, devided the whole Iland betweene them. To Belinus was assigned England, Wales, and Cornewall, and to Brennius all beyond the ryver of Humber. But Brennius not contented with this division, raised warre against his brother Belinus, and fought divers battells, but the last battaile theire twoe mightie armies beinge ready to encounter in a pitched field, Queene Cornewenna theire Mother came to them, and opened her naked breasts, and with weepinge teares said:

Oh! out alas! what meaneth this,
Doe you my bowells harme?
What wicked cause doeth move
Twoe brethren’s powers to be so warme?
Cannot all Brittaine you conteyne,
Since it is verie sure,
That bothe you twaine within this wombe
Of myne did once endure?
. . . . . . ur moth . . . . . .
. . . . . . air . . . . . . . .
Nor dolefull naked breastes
In tender age which bothe did suck!

The twoe brethren, moved with theire mother’s teares and speeches, reconciled themselves, and became greate frends and kissed eache other. Then Brennus, desirous of glorie and dominion, and beinge whollie given to the study of warres, left his Countrey to the governaunce of his brother, and went into Fraunce, where, in the province of Lyons, for his exellent qualities and prowes, he was highlie esteemed of Sygwynus, the kinge of the Countrey, whose daughter he married, and of the Galls he was made soveraigne Capteyne, and the kinge Sigwynus, perceavinge that Brenus was whollie addicted

  1. Sic.
