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overthrewe all the Power of Greece, in a most horrible and bloudy battell at Thermopolie; for prooffe whereof a Greeke Writer, called Pausanias, in his tenthe Booke writethe thus: “Brennus had in his Army 20400. horsemen, and there followed every horseman twoe servaunts upon horsebacke. Those twoe servaunts, when theire Master was fightinge, stood in the rereward, and helped them, and, yf by anie hap anie of them were unhorsed, they should sett them upon theires, and, yf the Master were slaine, the servaunt should succeede in his place, but yf they were bothe slaine by force of fight . . . . . . . . was this . . . . . . at han . . . . readie to . . . . . . ie for . . che of th . . . . that were slaine, and this practize of fightinge upon horsebacke they tearme, in theire Countrey speeche, Trymartia.” Thus writeth Pausanias. What can be more plaine for prooffe that Brennus and his company were Brittaines, sithe Try, in the Brittishe or Walshe speeche, signifieth three in Englishe, and March in the Brittishe or Walshe speeche is a horse? In fine, he sheweth, that, when Brennus was about to sacke the Temple of Apollo in Delphos, a greate Companie of his army were slaine miraculously by the fall of a highe and mightie Cliffe of a Rocke, and wonderfull raine from heaven; whereupon Brennus for sorrowe dyed. These warrs of Brennus are recorded in the Histories of [1]thesetenide, and proved by Mr. Hughe Broughton in his exposition of Daniell, upon the eleventh Chapter, and how that Antiochus, the sonne of Selucus, was surnamed Soter, bicause he drove the Galls out of Asia, of whom Brennus was Capteyne, and doeth most fitlie agree with this Historie for the tyme. Moreover, Athenæus writeth, that, after the death of Brennus, the souldiers, under Bathanasius theire Capteyne, tooke up theire dwellinge about Ister, and afterwards they were devided into twoe partes, the one whereof dwelt in Hungarie, and the other parte, by the name of Brenni, possessed parte of the Alpes by the mount Brennerus, in the Countie of Tirulensis, whom Appianus calleth all by the name of Cymbri, which sheweth that they were Brittaines. Over and besides
- ↑ Sic. F. these times.