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Page:Oliver Mathews – Towne of Sallop (1877).djvu/33

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theis things, the Irish men, called Gatheli, when, in the tyme of Brennus, they departed out of Biscay, 375. yeres before our Saviour’s Incarnation, to seeke newe Dwellings, and were placed in Ireland, they called all the Brittaines Brennach, from the name of Brennius theire noble Capteyne, by which name they call our Nacion to this daie. Theis Antiquities our Countreyman Mr. Humffrey Lloyd diligently searched out. So that there is no man can doubt of noble Brennus, but that he was the Brother of Belinus, and the fownder and builder of your famous Cittie, whose actes and warres are famous in many Historiographers, and albeit B......... and his souldiers are termed by manie writers to be Galli, and not Brittanni, yet, as I wrote before, Pausanias and Athenæus make it plaine enoughe, that they were not Galli but Brittanni or Cymbri. Finally, it is well knowne, that, amonge auncient Writers, Gallia was devided into twoe Partes, that is, Cisalpina and Transalpina. Cisalpina was called Italy, and all Countreys beyond the Alpes, from Roome hitherward, were called Transalpina, where nowe Fraunce and Brittaine stand. And thus haveinge shewed you my knowledge and judgement, as towchinge the Antiquitie and Foundation of your famous Cittie of Brennus Towne, which was built abouts 369. yeres before Christ’s Incarnation by Brennus, that noble Brittaine, I, beinge aged 95. yeres, and by reason thereof decayed in memorie, praie you, to have me excused, yf I have not performed to the full your expectacion herein. And nowe, not ever thinckinge to see you in this transitory World, I take my last and ultimum vale of you bothe, bequeathinge unto you, and to that famous Cittie of Brennus, and to Mr. Maior, with the Magistrates and Commynaltie thereof, my best love, wishinge yt with all my harte all prosperity and happines. Dated at Snead neere Bu...... .. Castle the xviiith daie of March, anno Domini. 1615.

Your old Frind and Brittaine,