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Page:Oliver Mathews – Towne of Sallop (1877).djvu/37

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some Places devided Lloyckier or Loiger from Albanie, nowe called Scotland) he brought Humber’s wieffe, whom the Brutaines called Souse or Souchwen, with him as his Concubine to Cambria, nowe called Wales, by Idwall sonne to Cadd the last kinge of Brutaines. And then did the said kinge Locinus build, for his said Concubine, a Cittie, which nowe is in the County of Montgomery, and was of auncient time parte of Powes land in the Lordshipp of Arwistly, in a most pleasaunt, fruitfull and comodious place, with pleasaunt Rivers, and a pleasaunt Forrest or Wood called Koyd Maur, and a pleasaunt Parke called Caer Souch Parke, with most fruitfull and large Commons thereunto adjoyninge, then called Hirrdowell and Carno, which Parke and Comons were after converted for the keepinge of the king’s breedinge Mares till of late. And after the Death of Troenius, Duke of Cornwall, who was afterward called Coreneus, Locrinus was divorced from Gwendolen his lawfull wieffe, daughter to the said Coreneus, and married to his said Concubine Sousewen, and for the most parte remained with her at Caer Souse, which Cittie Locrinus endued with great Liberties, Priveledges, Customes, Lawes and Graunts, as the yerelie choosinge of theire Maior or chieffe Officer, with other inferiour Officers, grounded upon the Trojans Lawes and Customes, as by theire severall Graunts maie appeare, which Graunts were confirmed by divers Kings and Princes. Caer Souse was built after London 22. yeres. And whiles Kinge Locrinus contynued with his said Concubine Sousewen at Caer Souse, Gwendolen, the lawfull wieffe of the said Locrinus, who was before divorced from him, as aforesaid, raised an Army of her Frends and Kinsmen out of Cornewall, called of Brutaines Gwyer y Kerren, and gave battell to the Kinge Locrinus, and overcame him, and slewe him and his said Concubine Sousewen, with theire bastard daughter Haverwen or Havfren, and also destroyed or defaced the said Cittie, called Caer Souse, after the said Locrinus had reigned xxty. yeres. Which Locrinus left behinde him a noble sonne, begotten upon his said wieffe Gwendolen, called Madocke or Madon. Nowe shall you understand the manner of Sousewen’s Death. After that Gwendolen had overcomen and slaine the King
