Page:Oliver Mathews – Towne of Sallop (1877).djvu/49

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in Albania, then parte of Greate Brutaine, and nowe called Scotland. Also Brutus Daran las, 2d. sonne to Ebrancke Ileon or Lliell, sonne to Brutus Daran las, builded Caer liell or Chester. Kinge Runbalader bras builded Caer Kente alias Canterbury, and Caer Wente or Wynchestre, and Caer Balader alias Shaftesbury or Caer Cepter. Bleidud or Bladud, son to Run, made the Citie of Bathe, who, beinge brought up at Athens at Schoole, did by arte finde out the Hotte Bathes, beinge The Bathes were repaired & wrought by the Romaines afterwards.
This shall be manifested hereafter, in a worke intituled, The Foundation of the Bathe.
one of the wonders of this land. His sonne Lier builded Caer Lier, or Leicester, with the Temple thereof. Janus Conandan or Conedagus, sonne to Henwen, daughter to Kinge Lier, builded three Townes with three mightie Temples, one in Albanie, called Perche or St. Jones in Scotland, then belonginge to the Kings of Brutaine, with a Temple to Mars; another in Wales in Gowenith, called Bangor, and a Temple to Minerve, and another at Cornewall, where he was borne, and a Temple to Mercury. Dyffywall or Mulmutius began Bristowe, and called yt Caer Odder or Nant Badan, that is, the Cittie of the wastinge or slidinge Ground. Also he began the Cittie of Caer Odder yn Hafren, that is, the Cittie of slidinge or wastinge Ground within the wombe of Seaverne. For the River Hafren, serveth as a Wall, and compasseth the Towne abouts, savinge the Northe parte, where the Castle with the Wall and Gate defendeth the Towne. Also he repayred and builded the greate Temple of Apollo at Newe Troy begonne by Brutus. Also he began the fower King’s Waies throughe his Dominion, makinge Bridges and Foordes over all Rivers and Waters, where they were needfull. Which highe Waies were called of the Brutaines Peeder Priforthe y Brenin, and are one of the Wonders of this Realme of Brutaine. Which fower waies were mended, repayred and finished by Belinus, eldest sonne to Dyffywall; who also repayred Troy with Walles, Havens and Gates; and likewiese he beautified the same Towne of London greatlie. And for the furthur understandinge of the Brutaines Actes and Monuments, I doe referr you to the perusinge,

as well