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Page:Oliver Mathews – Towne of Sallop (1877).djvu/67

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Danes.The cruell Pagan Danes destroied most parte of the newe Abbeys, latelie erected by the newe Christened Saxons, which the said Saxons, then and yet called Englishemen, had robbed and spoiled from the Brutaines, to whom they were sometime servaunts; of which Abbeys, by them destroyed and defaced, the proud and arrogant Kinge Edgar reedified seaven and fortie. The reason why Edgar was called the proud Kinge was, bicause he used to be rowed in his barge at Westchester with viii. Kinges, that is to saie, Rinoch Kinge of Scottes, Macolme Kinge of Comberland, Macon Kinge of Man, Duffnwall, Systerthe, and Huwall three Kings of Walshe, James Kinge of Norway, and Jukill Kinge of Westmerland. Abouts anno Domini 913, the said Danes did winne and conquere from the Saxon Kinge of Mercia, muche of his Lands abouts Warwickshire, Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, and Gloucestreshire, as Deyntree, Dane Churche, or Donchurche, Myrryden, and Wallingford Castle and Towne, with the three Deanes or Danes Townes, with the famous Forrest of Dane, which Lands the Danes possessed, till yt pleased God to disposesse them of all theire right, which they claymed in England, by William Ismall, who conquered them and others anno 1066. Canutus the Dane abouts 1036. after he had subdued Scotland, as appearethe by his Records, was Kinge of fower Kingdomes, viz. England, Denmarke, Scotland and Norway, whiche he held not longe.