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Page:Oliver Mathews – Towne of Sallop (1877).djvu/71

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but also all his ofspringe, proved most cruell and murtheringe enimies of the auncient Christian Brutaines, the first Inhabitaunts of this Realme and Land called Brutaine, and of them so named. The civill usage of the Brutaines I meane hereafter to record and make mention of, in a Noties I meane to write of the severall Conquests of this Lande, and severallie sett downe the most cruell dealings of the said Kinge William, Kinge John, Henry the first, Henry the second, Henry the third, Edward the first, Edward the second, Henry the fowerthe, and others, and to shewe of the most fearefull and untimelie ends of most of the same Kings, with what wonders and horrible signes and tokens did happen, and were seene verie evidentlie, before the ruine and utter destruction of the said bloudy minded Kings; which should seeme to be a manifest token, that the innocent bloud of the auncient Brutaines by those Kings cruellie and causelesslie shed, cried for vengeaunce to fall upon the Heads of the cruell Normans, which indeed sorted to the same effecte verie shortlie after the Apparisions of the same Signes and Wonders. I for my parte, not to infringe the bonds of Charitie, then the which nothinge is more pleasinge to the Allmightie, doe not, nor would not, yf yt were in me or my power to doe, judge anie, but onlie thus muche I thincke, that God will not suffer greate wrongs to be imposed upon poore Captives, as the auncient Brutaines were, but will heare the Crie of the oppressed, and powre vengeaunce upon the head of the Tiraunts. But nowe, after the longe, base and servile Slaverie, wherein the distressed Seed of Brutus, that auncient, renowned and famous Trojan, was deteyned, I will, with comforte, rehearse the greate kindnes of the mercifull Jehovah, who did, in the middest of Justice, Exodus 3. v. 9. remember Mercy, and as he hard the Cries of the Children of Israell, in the land of Egipt, and considered the Crueltie of theire Taske Masters, so did he heare the Cries of the Brutaines in the lande of Brutaine, latelie called England, and considered the Crueltie of theire Taske Masters, and sent unto them, as he did unto Israell, a Moses of theire Naclon, to free them from Bondage. But, alas! to recounte the Benefitts of our lovinge God, I want the penne of Esdras, who
