Page:Oliver Twist (1838) vol. 1.djvu/362

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Vol. 50. THE HEspsmax, by Cooper.

33. THE BorDERERS, by Cooper. 34,

. EvGEnE Aram, by Bulwer. and 52. Anastasius, by Hope.

35. Maxwett, by Theodore Hook. 53. DARNLEY, by James.

36. WaTeR Witcu, by Cooper. 54. ZOHRAB, by Morier.

37. Morners & Daucuters, by Mrs. 55. HEIDENMAUEK, by Cooper. Gore. 46. De L'OrMeE, by James.

38. THE Bravo, by Cooper. 57. HEAptoxG Hap, NiGuTMaRe

39. THE Heiress or BruGeEs, by Apgry, Maip Marian, and

Grattan. CrotcneEt CastLe, by Peacock. 40. Rep Rover, by Cooper. 58. TREVELYsN, by the Author of 41. VatueK, by Beckford; CastLe "4 Marriage in High Life."

or Orranto, by H. Walpole; 59. Puitie Aucustus, by James.

and Bravo or VENICE, by 60. Rookwoopn, by Ainsworth.

M. G. Lewis. 61. Henry Masterton, by James. 42. Tue Country Curate, by Gleig. 62. Perer Simpve, by Marryat. 43, THE BETROTHED, by Manzoni. 63. Jacon FatruKut, by Marryat. 44. Hass BABA, by Morier. 64. JAPHET IN SEARCH OF A FaTHER, 45. Hass1 Baba In EnoGuanp, by by Marryat.

Morier. 65. Kine's Own, by Marryat.

46. Tur Parson's Davcnter, by 66. Mr. Mipsnipman Easy, by Theodore Hook. Marryat.

47. Paut CiirForp, by Bulwer. 67. Newron Forster, by Marryat.

48. THE Youncer Son, by Capt. 68. THE PacHA OF MANY TALES, by Trelawny. Marryat.

49, Tue ALHAMBRA, by Washington 69. RaATTLIN THE REEFER. Irving; Tue Last oF THE 70. ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN ABENCERRAGES, by Chateau- Brake, by Mazwell. briand; and THE IN voLUNTAKY 71, Heven, by Msss Edgeworth. Proruet, by Horace Smith.

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