Gave charge I should be clothed and fed.
And took upon him all the cost.
7 Thus saved from death, from want secured,
I wait till he again shall come
(When I shall be completely cured,)
And take me to his heavenly home.
8 There, through eternal, boundless days,
When Nature s wheel no longer, rolls,
How shall I love, adore, and praise
This good Samaritan to souls !
Martha and Mary.—Luke, x, 38-42.
1 MARTHA her love and joy express d
By care to entertain her guest ;
While Mary sat to hear her Lord,
And could not bear to lose a word.
2 The principle, in both the same,
Produced in each a different aim ;
The one to feast the Lord was led.
The other waited to be fed.
3 But Mary chose the better part,
Her Saviour s words refresh d her heart,
While busy Martha angry grew,
And lost her time and temper too.
4 With warmth she to her sister spoke,
But brought upon herself rebuke :
" One thing is needful, and but one,
Why do thy thoughts on many run ?"
5 How oft are we like Martha vex d,
Encumber d, hurried, and perplex d,
While trifles so engross our thought
The one thing needful is forgot !
6 Lord, teach us this one thing to choose,
Which they who gain can never lose,
Sufficient in itself alone,
And needful, were the world our own.