Prayer for Ministers.
1 CHIEF Shepherd of thy chosen sheep,
From death and sin set free ;
May every under shepherd keep
His eye intent on thee !
2 With plenteous grace their hearts prepare
To execute thy will,
Compassion, patience, love, and care,
And faithfulness and skill.
3 Inflame their minds with holy zeal
Their flocks to feed and teach ;
And let them live, and let them feel
The sacred truths they preach.
4 Oh, never let the sheep complain,
That toys, which fools amuse,
Ambition, pleasure, praise, or gain,
Debase the shepherd s views.
5 He that for these forbears to feed
The souls whom Jesus loves,
Whate'er he may profess, or plead,
An idle shepherd proves.
6 The sword of God shall break his arm,
A blast shall blind his eye ;
His word shall have no power to warm,
His gifts shall all grow dry.
7 Lord, avert this heavy woe !
Let all thy shepherds say ;
And grace and strength on each bestow,
To labour while tis day.
Prayer for a Revival.
1 SAVIOUR, visit thy plantation,
Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain !
All will come to desolation
Unless thou return again :