Power of Prayer.
1 IN themselves as weak as worms,
How can poor believers stand.
When temptations, foes, and storms.
Press them close on every hand?
2 Weak, indeed, they feel they are,
But they know the throne of grace ;
And the God who answers pray r
Helps them when they seek his face.
3 Though the Lord awhile delay,
Succour they at length obtain ;
He who taught their hearts to pray
Will not let them cry in vain.
4 Wrestling pray r can wonders do,
Bring relief in deepest straits ;
Pray r can force a passage through
Iron bars and brazen gates.
5 Hezekiah on his knees
Proud Assyria s host subdued ;
And, when smitten with disease,
Had his life by pray'r renew'd.
6 Peter, though confined and chain'd ?
Pray'r prevail d and brought him out
When Elijah pray d it rain'd,
After three long years of drought.
7 We can likewise witness bear,
That the Lord is still the same ;
Though we fear d he would not hear.,
Suddenly deliv'rance came.
8 For the wonders he has wrought,
Let us now our praises give ;
And, by sweet experience taught,
Call upon him while we live.