Page:Olney Hymns - 1840.djvu/255

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3 May he, by whose kind care we meet,
Send his good Spirit from above,
Make our communications sweet,
And cause our hearts to burn with love !

4 Forgotten be each worldly theme,
When Christians see each other thus :
We only wish to speak of Him
Who lived and died and reigns for us.

5 We ll talk of all He did and said,
And suffer d for us here below;
The path He mark d for us to tread,
And what He s doing for us now.

6 Thus, as the moments pass away,
We ll love and wonder and adore,
And hasten on the glorious day
When we shall meet to part no more.

At Parting.

1 As the sun s enliv ning eye
Shines on every place the same ;
So the Lord is always nigh
To the souls that love his name.

2 When they move at duty s call,
He is with them by the way ;
He is ever near them all,
Those who go, and those who stay.

3 From his holy mercy-seat
Nothing can their souls confine ;
Still in spirit they may meet,
And in sweet communion join.

4 For a season call d to part,
Let us then ourselves commend
To the gracious eye and heart
Of our ever-present Friend.

5 Jesus, hear our humble pray rf
Tender Shepherd of thy sheep,